Saturday, April 7, 2012

new uptown waterloo plans. door prize.

Ghost Bike for Un-named victim, Toronto

We were appalled when, after yet another door prize death, a policeman discussed charging the woman who did it and said "If she didn't look, would that be negligence? It's very hard to label that as negligent." In our survey, 75% of the respondents agreed that " The driver broke the law and killed someone and should be charged to the full extent of the law."

Well it turns out, she has been charged, with "Open Vehicle Door Improperly", which carries a maximum punishment, if convicted, of demerit points and an approximate $110 fine.


D - see my other transit blog for pic.
Right now, uptown Waterloo, a cyclist is left in an unenviable position:
1) the law says stay right in lane if safe to do so
2) NOT safe to do so - or you get driver side 'door prize' from row of cars
3) besides, cars have no guide line to get them within a foot of the curb. Really.
D - if you assert your legal right to occupy a whole lane width if riding flush right is not safe, expect to be harrassed by honking cars for the temerity! They'll lay on the horn for a block as they ride up you butt.

D - but the new light rail transit will solve all that? Right? ...
Wrong. It looks to be WORSE. If that is possible.
The mighty King Car cult has grudgingly ceded a 2-way lane for cars in 1 direction to the competing Prince Train sect.
The result? Still no bike lane. BUT NOW...
you don't even have the option, as a cyclist, to use the right-most of 2 lanes each way to be safe.
But King Car could not be expected to cede their sovereign privilege to have on-street parking, right? Watch uptown sometime on a busy day. The lane is clogged due to cars stopped to pull in and out. You cannot make this work with just 1 lane.
Right now, bus drivers, knowing the cars don't park flush with the curb and hang out into the driving lane proper, straddle the centre to occupy 2 lanes at the same time.
They won't be able to in the future. Meaning they'll straddle the CENTRE lane. Sharing a lane with... oncoming traffic.
And still no bike lane. King Car cult should have one lane each way. There is PLENTY of room for bike lanes BOTH WAYS.
Convert on-street parking into drop-off/pick-up zones that don't require parallel parking. Paint a line on the area to show the driver when they are out of the driving lane.

Rant: we have painted lines when they are UNSAFE to cyclists (the narrow faux 'bike lane' on Westmount - within a BLOCK of where a cyclist was killed a year ago).
We DON'T have painted lines where they would make cyclists MORE safe.
I'm curious if the city worker in charge of painted lines is part of an affirmative action hiring program...

(Fun pic of child playing at edge of road...)

D - right now, uptown waterloo,


dino snider said...

I just realized a related, additional benefit to replacing on-street parking with drop-off / pick-up zones that can be parked in without parallel parking. The driver does not get out, ergo does not open the driver side door. SOOO the cyclist on the street does not 'win the door prize'! Win, win, I'd say.

dino snider said...

Cycling Design Guide - Chapter 9 - Cycles and Buses (Bus Lanes +1'd this publicly. Undo
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
With Flow Bus Lanes Design Criteria - Lane Widths. Carriageway ... The minimum bus lane width should be 3.0m (at this width, buses should follow a cyclist ...
(D - they're 3.25m.... with a whole block of parallel parking to boot! Wonder if they will skip the guide paint line again. )