Tuesday, May 19, 2009

bud's encounter with law on ICE motor assisted cycle


D: Will works at the local café.
He found this sweet ride at an auction.
Likely worth 1000 bux, I gave him an on sale then half-price siren cable lock for 10 bux.
Anyway, he said he wasn't sure if he could drive it legally.

I was sure a motor assist to 30kph was OK.
But when I looked up the laws, it differentiates between power sources.


A motor-assisted bicycle is a bicycle that:
is fitted with pedals that are operable at all times to propel the bicycle;
weighs not more than 55 kilograms;
has no hand or foot operated clutch or gearbox driven by the motor and transferring power to the driven wheel;
has a piston displacement of not more that 50 cubic centimetres; and,
does not attain a speed greater than 50 km/hr on level ground within a distance of 2 km from a standing start.

An E-BIKE is

An e-bike is a bike that:
has steering handlebars and is equipped with pedals;
is designed to be propelled primarily by muscular power and to travel on not more than three wheels;
has a motor that has a power output rating of 500W or less. (Note: the motor is electric, and is incapable of propelling the cycle at speed of 32km/h or greater on level ground, without pedaling.) and
bears a permanently affixed label by the manufacturer stating in both official languages that the vehicle conforms to the federal definition of a power-assisted bicycle.


D: his ride has a cute lil' gas tank built into the top tube. It's combustion.
I did NOT know ICE engines are treated differently...

Aside: I drove on the highway on this Victoria Day weekend.
I cannot believe how bad some drivers are!
Ride a second of reaction time behind each other.
Alternately hit gas-brake-gas...
I ride bicycles. I try very hard to conserve energy approaching a stop. After all, it is hard earned by muscle energy. A red light ruins my day.
I am essentially a hypermiler 'lite' due to my biking background.

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