http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2969296/Cycling-vest-shows-how-fast-you-are-pedalling.html (pic)
D: there is a good reason to do this. The human eye/brain combo cannot gauge relative speeds until very late, when the target suddenly seems to rapidly increase in size...
D: since I sustain 30kph for prolonged periods of time, this is kinda like boasting, LOL!
From my recumbent bike blog:
Most power assists seem to think I'm decrepit. They're substitutes, not 'assists'.
Guess what? On a half-dead steel frame mountain bike junker, for an HOUR, I can already sustain 32kph on pavement.
At first, I wondered what math was wrong.
I mean, I KNOW I am not generating anything near a full horsepower.
Yet the Revopower needs to, to go 30kph.
So what gives?
Heat loss inefficiencies.
A typical combustion motor only manages to deliver a few 10s of percents of initial power to the wheel.
Ergo, all is well in math-land.
I am just dang efficient that I might as well be a full horsepower.
Likely more like half a horse though. <:
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