Wednesday, June 17, 2009

law to handle drivers harrassing cyclists

"April just pointed out that harassment of bicyclists by car drivers is now a special misdemeanor offense in Missouri—it's got its own specific law prohibiting it, rather than it just being included under existing driving laws. Colorado will have a similar law go into effect on August 5th. Personally I think it's not a bad idea at all. Although I haven't experienced it myself, I've had plenty of friends who have been swerved at by drivers, nearly sideswiped, or otherwise harassed by motorists who seemingly feel that anything in the road other than a car deserves to be physically pushed off it. So, what do readers think?"

D: Hmm. If somebody displays a weapon, such as a large knife, it becomes illegal to "beg, accost, or impede".
And what is a car but a very large weapon? In this context.
Ergo, I'd argue that the criminal code could be applied to drivers that use their automobiles to accost or impede a cyclist.


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