Friday, July 25, 2008

5000 stolen bikes found in T-O. lock advice.

D: you can weld on cast iron 3/4" T-joints onto a U-lock.
It makes the joints hard to get at.

D: I also have a 'screamer' cable lock.
Cables are easy to cut. BUT this one will at least make alotta noise.
I thought embedding the siren unit in a composite frame could work.

D: In the Toronto Star yesterday, one comment (paraphrased) was, "even if a bicycle costs
10,000 bux- more than many cars- police still treat it like a toy for recovery purposes."
D: I have some ideas for a partial top/bottom fairing on a 'bent bike.
If the seat bar and handlebars fold down, then one could use a pivot point and matching top/bottom shape to have a clamshell. Assuming the tire axles are covered, and only accessible from the inside, the result is an all-weather theft-deterring design.
Once again, bolting that scream box from the siren cable lock to yer bike frame makes discreet theft difficult.

Aside: I'm looking at ordering a Cruzbike. I'm looking for under-seating steering for it.

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